7Be Decay Introductory Papers
Introductory papers regarding the features of the decay of 7Be.
E. Segrè, C. E. Wiegand, "Experiments on the Effect of Atomic Electrons on the Decay Constant of 7Be,"
Phys. Rev. 75(1), 39-43
(1 January 1949). [Segre011949]
E. Segrè, C. E. Wiegand, "Errata for `Experiments on the Effect of Atomic Electrons on the Decay Constant of 7Be',"
Phys. Rev. 81, 284
(20 November 1950). [Segre111950]
R. F. Leininger, et al., "Experiments on the Effect of Atomic Electrons on the Decay Constant of 7Be, II,"
Phys. Rev. 76(7), 897-898
(1 October 1949). [Leininger101949]
R. F. Leininger, et al., "Errata for `Experiments on the Effect of Atomic Electrons on the Decay Constant of 7Be, II',"
Phys. Rev. 81, 280
(30 November 1950). [Leininger111950]
Richard A. Kerr, "Tweaking the Clock of Radioactive Decay,"
Science, 882-883
(29 October 1999). [Kerr101999]
Chih-An Huh, "Dependence of the Decay Rate of 7Be on Chemical Forms,"
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 171, 325-328
(15 September 1999). [Huh091999]
A. Ray, et al., "Decay Rate of Beryllium-7 in Different Environments,"
Science 287(5456), 1203
(18 February 2000). [Ray022000]
Lin-gun Liu, Chih-An Huh, "Effect of Pressure on the Decay Rate of 7Be,"
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 180, 163-167
(30 July 2000). [Liu072000]
P. Das, A. Ray, "Terrestrial 7Be Decay Rate and 8B Solar Neutrino Flux,"
Phys. Rev. C 71, 025801
(1 February 2005). [Das022005]
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Last update - 13 January 2010