Summary of the past 24 hours from the unofficial station on the roof of the Eyring Science Center on the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA.

Thu, May 16, 2024 4:44:27 AM Thu, May 16, 2024 4:43:40 AM¹
Current Values Past 24 hours
 Temperature   -39 °F   falling 0.0 °F/hour   Maximum:   -39 °F   at 15:37:00, 5/15/2024 
 Minimum:   -39 °F   at 04:29:40, 5/16/2024 
 Average²:   -39 °F 
 Relative Humidity   57 %   rising 15.3 %/hour   Maximum:   60%   at 06:42:00, 5/15/2024 
 Minimum:   19%   at 15:54:00, 5/15/2024 
 Average²:   35% 
 Dewpoint   -48 °F   rising 4.7 °F/hour   Maximum:   -47 °F   at 06:38:00, 5/15/2024 
 Minimum:   -66 °F   at 15:54:00, 5/15/2024 
 Average²:   -57 °F 
 Mean Sea Level Pressure   30.73 in. Hg   falling 0.008 in. Hg/hour   Maximum:   30.92 in. Hg   at 11:19:00, 5/15/2024 
 Minimum:   30.73 in. Hg   at 04:42:40, 5/16/2024 
 Average²:   30.80 in. Hg 
Station Pressure   25.02 in. Hg   Maximum:   25.17 in. Hg   at 11:19:00, 5/15/2024 
 Minimum:   25.02 in. Hg   at 04:42:40, 5/16/2024 
 Average²:   25.07 in. Hg 
 Wind Speed   1 mph from NNE (25)   Maximum:   21 mph from NW (310°)   at 17:56:40, 5/15/2024 
 Average²:   5 mph 
 Wind Direction   Average³:   from NW (318°) 
 Solar Irradiance   1.94 cal/cm²/min   rising 0.009 (cal/cm²/min)/hour   Maximum:   4.11 cal/cm²/min   at 13:07:00, 5/15/2024 
 Average²:   2.53 cal/cm²/min 
 Rainfall this month   0.00 in. 
 Rainfall since midnight   0.00 in.   Past 24 hours   0.00 in. 
 Maximum rate   0.000 in./hour   at 04:49:00, 5/15/2024 
 Wind-Chill Temperature   -39 °F   Maximum:   -39 °F   at 13:03:00, 5/15/2024 
 Minimum:   -74 °F   at 17:58:40, 5/15/2024 
 Average²:   -50 °F 
 Heat Index   -39 °F   Maximum:   -38 °F   at 04:31:40, 5/16/2024 
 Minimum:   -39 °F   at 05:03:00, 5/15/2024 
 Average²:   -39 °F 

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¹ The time for the Past 24-hours values is the time those values were last updated. It is usually before the current time because the history values are only updated every few minutes.
² The average given here is the arithmetic mean: Σxi/N where the sum is performed over the available data for the previous 24-hour period. Normally the available data is the 1-minute average (arithmetic mean of data taken once per second) for temperature, humidity, mean sea-level pressure, station pressure, solar insolation, and dewpoint. For wind chill the 1-minute value is the minimum recorded over that period. For wind speed and heat index it is the maximum during the period.
³ The average wind direction is the vector average which incorporates both the direction and speed. It is the net direction a parcel of air would have moved if you could track it over the 24-hour period.