Here are some events in the weather around Provo, Utah that have left an interesting signature in the data.
21 August 2017, British Imperial or SI units. The partial version of the "Great American Eclipse" of the sun.
7 September 2013, British Imperial or SI units - a fairly severe thunderstorm that passed through Utah Valley. There was some significant flooding throughout Utah Valley with the worst reported in the Alpine area. Other flooding incidents were reported in American Fork, Pleasant Grove, Orem, and Provo. And probably some more that didn't make it into the initial news reports.
27 February 2007, British Imperial or SI units - a warm front passage (one of the few that are identifiable in the data) followed by a cold front after just a few hours.
15 February 2006, British Imperial or SI units - a stationary front that resulted in significant snowfall (about 7") in the Provo-BYU area.
18-31 October 2004, British Imperial or SI units - a near-record rainfall during the last 2 weeks of October.
15 December 2002, British Imperial or SI units - the passage of a dry, windy squall over Provo.
25 July 2002, British Imperial or SI units - The passage of a strong thunderstorm cell with significant macroburst activity. This was the first significant rainstorm since 21 May 2002.
8 June 2002, British Imperial or SI units - The strong windstorm that caused the cancellation of the swimming portion of the triathlon in Utah Lake.
8 March 2002, British Imperial or SI units - The passage of a sequence of a fast-moving cold front and squalls through Utah Valley.
7 March 2002, British Imperial or SI units - The passage of a very fast-moving cold front squall through Utah Valley.
3 December 2001, British Imperial or SI units - The passage of a very slow-moving cold front. The front entered the northern end of the Wasatch Front (Brigham City area) around 6 am.
31 August 2000, British Imperial or SI units - The passage of a strong thunderstorm through Utah Valley.
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